Find Lost Money

Where We Find Unclaimed or Lost Assets​

Since its inception, Oasis Recovery Services has uncovered countless sources of unclaimed or lost assets, many of which remain hidden until the claiming rights expire. Regulations do not usually require all asset custodians to make their lists public or to make more than a cursory attempt to locate entitled owners. These asset sources include, but are not limited to:

  • Forgotten savings and checking accounts

  • Uncashed or lost checks/warrants

  • Securities

  • Royalties

  • Interest or dividend payments

  • Life insurance death benefits or payouts

  • Income tax refunds or over payments

  • Property tax refunds or over payments

  • Employee wage or pension payments

  • Surplus proceeds from a governmental auction of real or personal property

  • Inheritance payout from a deceased relative or love one

  • Funds due the beneficiary of a loan or the creditor of a judgment

  • Many other sources

Our service is to uncover these concealed assets and track down the heirs, private parties, and organizations with the right to claim them. As you can imagine, the claims process is complex and is often compounded by an asset holder’s reluctance to release assets they might otherwise be allowed to absorb after a certain time.

If you have been contacted by an Oasis Recovery Services representative, it is only because we have determined you are entitled to unclaimed or lost assets. Our 99 percent success rate in recovering assets from the claims we file speaks to the level of certainty we have in your right to these funds. In addition, we work on a contingency-fee basis and receive no money for our work until you received your settlement.

We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.