Frequently Asked Questions

How much is my claim?
We provide you with documentation of the amount being held; however, it is possible that a creditor may be entitled to a portion of the claim, if applicable. Often we prove that the creditor’s claims are improper.
How did you locate me?
Our research team uses public records and internet searches. It is possible that at one time a government agency tried to contact you at the only address it had on file; however, often times an agency can benefit greatly from your unclaimed money.
Why should I use your company?
Most of the assets we locate aren’t available by searching the internet, and it’s unlikely that, without the aid of a company like ours, you’ll be notified of their existence by the agency holding them. Many of the funds are approaching the date when they will be turned over permanently to the government entity holding the funds. 
Can I get cash now?
To meet the various financial needs of our clients, Oasis Recovery Services has several “Cash Now” programs. Find out which is right for you here.
How long does it take?
There are a number of reasons why a claim may be delayed. Competing claims, legal issues, or the need to supply additional documents can substantially slow the process. It’s also important to know that in most cases there are no laws governing how quickly holders or trustees must pay claims, allowing them to invest and  gain interest on the funds. With little or no incentive to release funds, some claims may take longer to complete. No worries – you will be updated monthly on the status of your claim.
Will I earn interest while I wait?
Usually you do not earn interest on your money while you are waiting to be paid.  If you take “Cash Now” you can invest your money now vs. later!